Terms and Conditions
Please read these when booking
Here you will find our Terms and Conditions for booking a course at the Mill Studio.
See the "Our Courses" page for the current term timetable inc half term dates.
See the "Course Descriptions" page for an outline what to expect from each.

A non-refundable deposit of £100.00 is payable to secure a place on any 10 week or 4 day course, the balance to be paid not less than 3 weeks prior to the commencement of the course. The final date for payment will be indicated on the course invoice which will be sent to you when you book. After this date, course places will no longer be reserved and re-booking at this stage will mean payment of the full course fee (provided there is room on the course. Deposits and full fees are not transferable).
For Saturday one-day courses, a non-refundable deposit including VAT of £30.00 is required. The same conditions apply as for 10 week course deposits.
Bookings on any course are accepted at the discretion of the tutor.
Refunds, excluding the non-returnable deposit, can only be given if notice is received at least three weeks prior to the commencement of the course.
Course Dates:
These will be as published. However, if in exceptional circumstances we have to alter course dates, students will be offered an alternative.
Personal Property:
Students should safeguard personal property as The Mill Studio cannot be responsible for loss of, or damage to, personal belongings from the studio or from cars.
Students working on location are advised not to work out of sight or sound of at least one other student.